zoos before
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Bears like these had been born in zoos before, but the 2006 meeting was the first recorded meeting between a human and a hybrid bear in the wild. Takoví medvědi se v zoologických zahradách narodili…
Bears like these had been born in zoos before, but the 2006 meeting was the first recorded meeting between a human and a hybrid bear in the wild. Takoví medvědi se v zoologických zahradách narodili…
This bear is described by scientists as a kind of bear that combines a polar bear and a grizzly bear.Tohoto medvěda vědci popisují jako druh medvěda, který kombinuje ledního medvěda a medvěda…
This village is a small community and there are only a few places to stay. Tato vesnice je malá obec a je zde jen několik míst k pobytu. A) some B) little C) few Opět chyták a tady vám napoví “a”…
If visitors bring their own alcohol, they are asked not to drink it in public.Pokud si návštěvníci přinesou vlastní alkohol, jsou požádání, aby ho nepili na veřejnosti. A) will B) are C) were…